The Workflow Invocation Ontology

Release 03 April 2013

This version:
Latest version:
Revision 1.0
Daniel Garijo, Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Varun Ratnakar, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, US
Yolanda Gil, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, US
Imported Ontologies:
p-plan: The P-plan Ontology


This document describes the Workflow Invocation Ontology (wf-invocation), a simple profile of the P-plan ontology to describe how workflow steps are invoked within a workflow execution.

The latest OWL encoding of the Workflow Invocation Ontology can be found here

Table of Contents

1. Introduction back to ToC

The Workflow Invocation Ontology is a simple OWL2 Ontology for representing the invocation of workflow specifications when they are sent to a workflow execution engine. This Ontology extends P-Plan [P-Plan], reusing some of its classes and properties.

By exposing the workflow invocation parameters, we are able to determine the commands sent to the workflow execution engine with the workflow specification, which may help to understand the provenance results in case of failure. This information is also helpful to reproduce the workflow, since we can invoke the specification in the same way as in the original workflow.

This document specifies the classes and properties of the Workflow Invocation ontology.

1.1. Namespace declarations back to ToC

Table 2: Namespaces used in the document

2. Workflow Invocation Overview back to ToC

An overview of the classes and data properties of the Workflow Invocation Ontology can be seen below (no obect properties are defined).


Data properties

3. Workflow Invocation Description back to ToC

The Workflow Invocation Ontology extends P-Plan with two new classes (wf-invoc:Step and wf-invoc:Variable) and three data properties (wf-invoc:hasDataBinding, wf-invoc:hasCustomData and wf-invoc:hasInvocationLine). An overview of the ontology an be see in Image 1:

Wf-invoc extending p-plan to represent workflow invocation.
Figure 1. Wf-invoc extending P-plan to represent an actual workflow invocation. Literals are represented in orange boxes

As shown in Figure 1, three new data properties are used to add the workflow invocation metadata to the workflow specification in P-plan. The data bindings between Variables and the actual files are linked with wf-invoc:hasDataBinding; the invocation line of the different Steps is specified through the wf-invoc:hasInvocationLine and any other metadata that the Step could require (e.g., additional tool requirements, memory restrictions, etc.) can be specified with the wf-invoc:hasCustomData.

Since the three new data properties have as domain refined p-plan classes, we have extended p-plan:Step and p-plan:Variable with wf-invoc:Step and wf-invoc:Variable respectively. These classes represent the p-plan:Steps and p-plan:Variables contextualized in a scientific workflow invocation domain.

4. Cross reference for Workflow Invocation classes and properties

This section provides details for each class and property defined by the Workflow Invocation Ontology.

4.1 Classes

wf-invoc:Stepc back to ToC or Class ToC


Specialization of p-plan:Step in order to be able to assert domain specific properties. A wf-invoc:Step refers to those p-plan:Steps related to the scientific workflow invocation.

has super-classes
is in domain of
wf-invoc:hasCustomData dp, wf-invoc:hasInvocationLine dp

wf-invoc:Variablec back to ToC or Class ToC


Specialization of p-plan:Variable in order to be able to assert specific properties. A wf-invoc:Variable refers to those p-plan:Variables related to the scientific workflow invocation.

has super-classes
is in domain of
wf-invoc:hasDataBinding dp

4.2 Data Properties

wf-invoc:hasCustomDataop back to ToC or Data property ToC


Data property used to link a wf-invoc:Step with any particular metadata that will be used in the execution of the Step (e.g., environment requirements, memory, etc.).

has domain
has range
  • xsd:string

wf-invoc:hasDataBindingop back to ToC or Data property ToC


Data property used to bind a wf-invoc:Variable with the path or URL where the data is available for the execution.

has domain
has range
  • xsd:string

wf-invoc:hasInvocationLineop back to ToC or Data property ToC


Data property used to link a wf-invoc:Step with the Literal representing the invocation line of the current Step.

has domain
has range
  • xsd:string

5. References back to ToC

6. Acknowledgements back to ToC

We would like to thank Silvio Peroni for developing LODE, a framework used to build part of this web page.